Please read this without judgment.
There are a lot of people right now that are complaining about the people that are saying they are afraid. I ask you to stop and think. I ask you to remember that just because you aren't afraid, it doesn't negate another person's fear. You cannot know what another person has been through unless they tell you in detail. Even when they do tell you what they've been through, there is NO WAY you can completely understand what they felt or what they are feeling. Even if you've been through the same things, we all experience and feel things differently. Please remember that. Please be respectful to others.
To the people that are afraid. I am a safe place. ❤
I am afraid, too, in a way. I've heard a lot more sexual assault jokes since Trump won and I expect them to only continually increase. That first night I was triggered. I cried most of the night and most of the next day. Whether you agree with how I felt or not, my feelings are right, and I do not need anyone's approval to feel the way I felt. They are MY feelings and not yours.
It has taken me a long time to understand that. I grew up feeling like my feelings weren't good enough; like what I felt was always wrong. I didn't have the right to feel what I was feeling. As much as I love my mom, it was the way I felt that I was being treated by her that lead me to that. I never felt like I was good enough. Those years of feeling that way have lead to my very low self-esteem. I am still trying to heal. I still feel very inadequate. I am working on that. I still love her and am working on forgiving her, but I don't think I am not completely there yet...I want to say that I really don't blame my mom. She raised me the way she was raised. And my grandmother raised her the way she was raised. It's a cycle that I am trying to break. I won't know if I succeeded until my girls are adults
I did a lot of crying election night and the next day but I am doing better. I know that just because I am better doesn't mean that everyone else is. I respect that. I am a safe place. Your feelings are not wrong. You have every right to feel what you are feeling! You can talk to me about your fears and I won't judge you. I will listen. I will do my best to comfort you; although I don't know how well I will be able to do that, I will try.
I am a safe place. ❤
I will not sit by while others taunt or ridicule anyone that expresses their fear. They have every right to feel anyway that they feel. Their feelings are not wrong. I am learning to use my voice. I will use it to help and protect others. I may not have much of a self-esteem, but I will use what little bit I have to ensure that others don't lose theirs because someone has put them down and told them their feelings are wrong. I believe in love and doing what's right. I am a safe place. ❤