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Showing posts from November, 2024

Many Will Be Turned Away

Most of you will not read this all the way through and the part you do read will most assuredly fall on deaf ears because your hearts have already been hardened. Of those of you that do manage to read it all the way through, you also will most likely disagree with it because your hearts are also hardened. Knowing that, why am I writing this? Doesn't that mean I'm wasting my time? If even one person reads this and understands and opens their heart, then this isn't a waste of time. I've been sitting with this for days. I've been surprised, confused, and disappointed, but then I realized that this is actually normal for religious Christians throughout history. Realizing that, I'm no longer surprised or confused. I'm only left disappointed. For as long as there has been religious Christians, they have "brought Christ to the world" through conquering and persecution. They have forced other religions to bow down to Christianity or face dire consequences....