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When bonds break

Belittling someone else's trauma and turning it around and trying to BLAME them for it is unacceptable. Refusing to even listen to the person explain their trauma and trying to justify why it happened is unacceptable. Just because my mother experienced trauma does NOT justify the trauma she caused me. It might explain it to a point, but it in no way makes it excusable. That's victim blaming. I should have "let go of the hurt"? Is that all it takes to heal from a lifetime of being treated like I didn't matter? That's apparently what my sister thinks.  And somehow I'm to blame for the countless times my mother told me I was dead to her. She seems to think the only time mom did that was well after my divorce and was living on my own and didn't want her to live with me. Nevermind the fact that I didn't want her to live with me because I couldn't handle all the yelling she did.  Ask my stepmom how many countless times I cried in her arms (starting a...
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Many Will Be Turned Away

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My journey through religion (questions, thoughts, and current conclusions)

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Living With Chronic Back Pain

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My Story

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A House Divided

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Are You A Christian? Are You Really Showing Christ's Love?

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